
At any moment, one of your most valued designers could sign on with another firm. In today's competitive market, job hopping has become the rule rather than the exception and the industry's best and brightest are receiving multiple job offers. In fact, over half (52 percent) of advertising and marketing executives polled by our company said professionals in their industry are more likely to change jobs now versus five years ago.

How can you prevent valued employees from heading for greener pastures? Keeping salaries competitive is a good start, but money shouldn't be your only retention tool. The key is to be creative. Here are some clues to ensure your star performers stay happy:

Look for red flags

Don't assume your employees are content because you don't hear rumblings. All too often, the first sign of dissatisfaction is a resignation letter. Regularly touch base with your staff to determine their feelings regarding workloads and office dynamics. This can alert you to possible warning signs that may be affecting morale.

Tailor incentives to the individual

There is no "one-size-fits-all" formula for developing the perfect compensation and benefits package. Be as flexible as you can with the incentives you offer. For example, if a key staff member has a lengthy commute, consider offering flextime. The more you can adapt to your top performers' needs, the more likely you'll retain these key players.

Build many ladders

Establish a customized career path for each employee. Some designers, for example, may not want to move into a director role if it requires managing others, but would rather pursue an advanced design position with increased responsibility. Make sure there are multiple opportunities for professional advancement that entail various responsibilities.

Create challenge

If employees feel they've hit a career plateau, they'll be more inclined to leave. Give them challenging assignments that stimulate their minds and affect your organization. Additionally, encourage your staff to attend trade shows and industry events, and support their continuing education efforts.

Emphasize the positive

"Selling" your firm shouldn't stop the minute a talented design professional signs on the dotted line. Continuously accentuate the benefits of working for your company. When you receive rewards, accolades or media mentions, for example, share that information with your staff.

Keep on the cutting edge of technology

Computers and software are a creative professional's primary professional tools. Invest in the best equipment your budget allows so your staff feel equipped to deliver the best results possible.

Avoid overloading employees

Often, the superstars of an organization are the first to burn out since they're entrusted to manage many key projects and may have difficulty turning down requests. Avoid the temptation to channel too many tasks to key players. Instead offer your most creative, high-profile jobs as rewards and promote balanced workloads.

Recognize their work

Never underestimate the power of praise. Creative professionals want to work where their talent is recognized and appreciated; genuine compliments let them know their contributions are valued.

Your top performers give your firm its competitive edge. By taking proactive steps to keep your team professionally challenged and fulfilled, you'll reduce turnover and ensure consistency in the quality of your work.

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